Students work gallery

Student Portfolio 1. Auditory AR – Concept Video


Auditory AR

The project is centered around the real-time calculation of room impulse responses using the LiDAR sensor of an iPhone. The aim is to develop a program that can accurately calculate and render virtual sound sources within the real environment captured by the LiDAR sensor. By generating virtual loudspeakers, the program creates the illusion that the sound is emanating from these virtual sources.

The video above demonstrates how users can experience real sound sources combined with the virtually rendered sound sources, incorporating precise acoustic cues related to the room environment. The goal is to enhance the realism of the auditory experience by providing accurate spatial audio cues.

Rai, the inventor, is actively working on improving the accuracy, speed, and efficiency of the model. The objective is to optimize the program to run efficiently on personal cellular phone devices, ensuring that it is lightweight and accessible to users. The ultimate goal is to create an immersive audio experience that can be enjoyed using everyday mobile devices.


Rai Sato

Project Duration:

2023 Spring –